Tuesday 29 December 2009

There are 99 Ways to Skin a Cat

You know, it seems like everyone has their own theory on how to survive this recession. Just some of the kind of stuff you’ll see across the internet and blogosphere is advice like:

1. Protect your job
2. Move while others are distracted
3. Earn extra money
4. Evaluate your mortgage
5. Refinance high interest credit cards
6. Reduce spending
7. Haggle your way to savings
8. Conserve and reduce your energy bills
9. Avoid taking on any unnecessary debts

And I could go on to reach 99 just to justify the title, “99 ways to skin a cat”. But I won’t waste your time. I know you can Google it for yourself and you'll find hundreds more pieces of advice from every Tom, Dick and Harry out there.

So let me get straight to the point.

With so many ways and bits of advice, how come not everyone gets rich? How come not everyone who reduces their spending get rich? How come not everyone who has an education get rich? How come not everyone who starts a business get rich?

Because it’s not about what you do, it’s more about how you do it. Because while there may be 99 ways to skin a cat, if you don’t do it RIGHT — whichever method you have chosen — it won’t bring RESULTS.

So who knows the ONE right thing that you need to do to get rich?

Bob Proctor knows. And he wants to tell you. To tell you that there is a science — a formula — to getting rich. It’s about doing certain things in a certain way. And this blueprint has been proven to make anyone get rich across centuries.

So before you waste your time trying out 99 ways blindly, get this one formula that will transform your financial future.

To learn more about the Science of Getting Rich – CLICK HERE.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Stop begging and start manifesting!

Do things never seem to work out right for you? Yet they do for others.

Think back. Do you remember that very first spark of hope you felt when you watched The Secret? I do. I can clearly remember the desire that filled my heart, knowing that – Yes, I can make my dreams come true – FINALLY!

But how many of you soon saw that early hope dwindle into frustration? How many of you (and be honest now) began muttering things like:

- “It seems to work for other people, but I just can’t get it right.”

- “I’m frustrated that sometimes I can get it to work, but sometimes I can’t. What’s the trick?”

- “Why am I having so much trouble?”

- “I think the universe is against me.”

- “I’m trying very, VERY hard but still nothing is happening!”

Well, don’t worry, You’re not alone. About 97% of people also couldn’t make the Law of Attraction work for them the first time round. Maybe that's not so surprising. Think about it, just like anything else, you have to practice many times before you see success. A child doesn’t learn to walk without falling over a couple of times, right?

But in practice, everything is easier said than done. When you’re feeling frustrated, it can be hard to stay positive. And it’s especially hard to stay positive when the evidence you see all around you is screaming negativity - like the unstable economy, or senseless acts of violence such as those recently seen in Mumbai.

And do you know what happens when you fail to stay positive? That’s right – you start attracting negative things in to your life.

So how can you make the Law of Attraction work for you – without getting frustrated? How do those who successfully implement the Law of Attraction do it with such confidence and finesse?

Well, here are three quick tips for you. Now you need never feel frustrated or tired of begging from the universe, because now you know how to start manifesting like a pro.

1. Allow Yourself To Receive

Just like a lost child who approaches a police officer and asks, “Excuse me Sir, can you tell me how to go to the post office? Can you? Can you? Can you? Can you? Can you?” Well, if the child goes on and on asking, the police officer can’t even give an answer, right?

Well, it’s the same thing with your mind. If the only thing your mind is doing is transmit, transmit, transmit, the universe — which is trying to respond — can’t give you a single thing because you’re not allowing yourself to receive!

So, have the confidence in yourself and stop exhausting yourself by running around person to person begging for riches, and then wondering why nobody is dropping a penny in your cup (Hint: It’s because you’re running away too fast for them before they can even reach for their wallets).

Just think of your desires and leave it out there, go away, and trust that your cup will be filled with gold coins (or whatever it is you asked for) when the time is right.

2. Be Patient With Yourself

Receiving takes time.

Sadly, many people give up just a couple of steps before the finish line because they’ve decided that if it’s not working by now, it’s never going to work at all. Worse still are those who throw in more and more energy because they think that with more resources, the results will come faster.

This is like expecting 9 mothers to conceive and deliver a baby in 1 month. You also can’t bake cookies in half the time by doubling the temperature. You’ll incinerate those cookies to ashes!

In simple terms: Everything in this world has a natural development time, and this fact will not change no matter what resources you throw at it.

So relax and be patient. Remember that you too, as part of the universe, are also governed by the laws of the universe, and you cannot change the natural development time.

If you remember this, you will less likely work yourself up into frustration, or worse, push yourself into a downward spiral of negativity.

3. Support and Educate Yourself

Like the child who is learning how to walk, you need support. You also need to guidance on how to do it, and also the role models to look up to.

Many people give up because they think that “The Secret” is the “be all and end all” solution. Well, it’s NOT. “The Secret” is just a small portion. It was never intended, and has never been, the whole answer.

Coming to the conclusion that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work when all you ever did to educate yourself was watch “The Secret” 19 times (without looking at changing the habits of other areas of your life) is like coming to the conclusion that exercising is not an effective way to lose weight because all you did is run on the treadmill for 2 hours a day (but you’re still stuffing yourself with fried foods and cheesecakes).

So seek and be hungry for new knowledge. Also, make an effort to be amongst people or communities where you can support each other, learn from each other and also share new knowledge that you have found.

While the Law of Attraction is not an overnight delivery service, it will indeed deliver, if you do your part too!

Check out the site here – go to http://www.the11forgottenlaws.com/?p=633 or click below

Wednesday 5 December 2007

Live Life with Passion

Use this exciting visualisation tool from The Secret to help you focus on, and begin to attract, what you want from life.

The Law of Attraction and the Science of Getting Rich

What are you thinking about right now?

The Law of Attraction states that "whatever we think about, we bring about". This law may initially seem like new age fluff but believe it or not, there are scientific merits to this proposition. The top quantum physicists of our time have discovered that our universe and our reality is very much directed by the "observer". When studying quantum particles (the smallest observable unit of matter), these scientists discovered that such particles behave in accordance with the person conducting the experiment. It the scientists "predict" that quantum particles behave in a certain way, they do. And yet, if the scientists "predict" that quantum particles behave in another way, they do. It is the "observer" that dictates the outcome of the experiment!

What does all this mean for us normal people? Well actually, these scientific experiments have far reaching implications for us as our world is made up of these same quantum particles! In this case, we are the "observer", the director and hence the creator of our reality, our world and our experience. So, be careful of what you think about!

For example, have your thoughts ever begun with the following phrases:

I don’t understand…

I don't want...

I’m frustrated that…

I hate my…

I can’t figure out …

I’m stressed about…

I’m worried that…

I should be able to… but I can’t…

Why am I having so much trouble?

The Law of Attraction is indifferent to the words preceding your thought. Whatever you think about you will attract into your life. When you think "I don't understand why bad things always happen to me?" you are "attracting" bad things into your life. When you think "I want to get out of debt", you are attracting more debt into your life. When you think "I'm worried I will get sick", you are attracting sickness into your life!

The Law of Attraction brings about whatever you focus on even if it is not what you want. Get it? If you understand this principle, here are some examples of how to make the law of attraction work to support you rather than to act against you. Try observing your thoughts and changing your thinking in the following way:

"I want to get out of debt" to "I want to earn amazing riches"

"I hate my boss" to "I look forward to owning my own business"

"I don't understand why he is so lazy" to "I love it when he helps out around the house"

"I'm stressed about this project" to "I always create amazing results in my projects"

"I'm worried about getting sick" to "I experience vibrant health daily"

Now that we have a better understanding of the Law of Attraction, it is no surprise why so many people struggle with regards to money. It is been said that "the rich get richer while the poor get poorer". This is actually the Law of Attraction in action. Because the wealthy have money, they often think about how to best use their money and hence they attract more money. The poor on the other hand often think about their present lack of money and unfortunately, that also attracts lack into their lives.

Currently, 96% of the world's wealth is being earned by just 1% of the population! To address this issue, the main teachers behind the movie is launching a program is called "The Science of Getting Rich" and it is based on employing the law of attraction to create wealth. This amazing program is based on the principles and philosophies outlined in a book of the same title written in 1910 by Wallace D Wattles. This is the same book that inspired the movie.

What is the Science of Getting Rich about? Well in the words of Wallace D. Wattles,

"The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich."

The Science of Getting Rich Seminar is all about teaching how to do things in this "certain" way to create wealth.

Click here to learn more about the Science of Getting Rich.

Tuesday 18 September 2007

"The Secret" and the Science of Getting Rich

Have you heard of the DVD called "the Secret"? Well it isn't such a secret anymore. The DVD was released in March 2006 and according to Time Magazine, the DVD has sold 500,000 units within the first 6 months. Today it sells well over 5,000 copies a day! It ranked in Amazon's Top-5 sellers during Christmas week; and a tie-in hardcover book just entered the Top 10 on the New York times bestseller list.

The amazing thing about "the Secret" is that you won't find it in your local Blockbuster or Barnes and Noble, it is selling briskly through new-age bookstores, New Thought churches like Unity and AGape and the official website at www.thesecret.tv. "It's become the biggest selling item in the 30-year history of our store," says Harmony Rose Allor, a buyer at West Hollywood's popular metaphysical bookshop, The Bodhi Tree. it is "word-of-mouth" marketing at it best. So what is the secret to "the Secret's" success? It's is a "transformational movie", where a person's view on life and the laws of life will no longer be the same after watching this movie. In a sense, it has created the same kind of effect as "the Da Vinci Code" and the 2004 hit cult movie "What the Bleep Do We Know". The movie has created such waves that it has already been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Larry King Live and the Ellen DeGeneres show.
At the core of the movie is a central philosophy called "the Law of Attraction". In fact, the movie itself was inspired by this very same law when the producer read a book called "the Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles. This books was written in 1910! This philosophy states that we create our reality, both good and bad! The message is delivered through 24 "teachers" which include prosperity preachers, chiropractic healers, relationship gurus, life coaches and motivational speakers — into one clear, cohesive voice. The movie is a "must watch" for anyone interested in taking charge of their life and in creating the life of their dreams.
Following on the success of the Secret, Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield have collaborated to produce a wealth building program called "the Secret Science of Getting Rich Seminar". This program is based on the book that inspired the movie and is set to make history as the fastest selling personal development program in history. What is the Science of Getting Rich about? Well in the words of Wallace D. Wattles, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich." The Science of Getting Rich is all about teaching how to do things in this "certain" way to create wealth.
The success of this program is built on several rock solid foundations. These factors include: the phenomenal success of "the Secret", the timeless concepts from the Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles, the credibility of successful personal improvement teachers and New Thought leaders of our time, and the Internet as the distribution medium.

Click here to learn more about the Secret of Getting Rich.